I’m baaaa-aaack

That’s right, I’m back. 
I’m sorry that I haven’t posted in a long time, BUT with my book OFFICIALLY being released in 10 days (!!!!!), my agent/publisher/mother says I need to do my own promotions and marketing. A great way to do that is through my blog, so I’m going to try my very hardest to maintain an active blog presence.  

First of all, I gotta tell you guys~ (I’m not sure how to say this without sounding braggy or bossy, so I’m asking y’all to filter this for me) I’ve been told that writing and storytelling are my gifts. However, when I decided to to put my talents to work and write FFF, those God-given gifts became a display of the hard work and dedication it took to get where I am now. Sure, the writing part comes naturally to me (well, for the most part), but the behind-the-scenes work… not so much.
(Ya know, like maintaining a blog presence.) 

These last few weeks have been especially difficult for me because I’ve had to prioritize editing and formatting over enjoying a lazy summer afternoon. I’m not wired in a way that lets me sit and be productive for hours on end. If I had it my way, I would only work when I felt like it. I don’t think that would be a very sure-fire way to get my book published though, which is why I have a scheduled time each day to work, along with a pretty little calender that reminds me of important dates and to-dos. 
I will say that one of the biggest benefits of working so hard is knowing that I did it. I’m proud of myself and proud of this book (and forever grateful to my family and friends for putting up with me through all the formatting frustrations and writers-blocked days). 

Moral of the story is this; everyone has God-given talents, whether they use them or not. 

Despite my natural storytelling skills, it takes dedication and hard work to make it go anywhere. It doesn’t matter what your gift is if you don’t put forth the effort; without dedication, it won’t produce anything. 

A public speaker who doesn’t prepare his speech and do his research won’t be able to connect with his audience. A painter who doesn’t take the time to buy the best supplies and materials won’t be content with the final piece. In the same way, if you don’t dedicate time and energy into your talent, you won’t be able to find joy in the process or satisfaction in the result. 

Use your talents, no matter what they may be. They don’t necessarily have to be about murder and mystery, but hey, that’s where I am right now. 😉 

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